Hi it's me Wicked. Today was a great day. My best friend Dakota's birthday is today. He turned 9. So my mom Beth and his dad decided to go to the dog park. My mom didn't know it was going to be so muddy! I love running in the mud! I even got some on my face, so I decided to put some back on my mom so she could have has much fun as I was having.

There was mud snow and lots of hidden land mines that must have been hiding under the snow. (I think you know what land mines are) He He my mom stepped in one! How come our house can't be a dog park. I know it's a farm because of all those cats that live with us. 
When we were done my mom had to try and get some of the mud off of me. As you can see it was everywhere! I think dogs should be dirty all the time.
NOOOO mom I don't want a bath! :( just let me rub up on you some more and I'll be clean. Please!!!! Oh crap I'm in the tub~~
Well it was good while it lasted. I'm all nice and clean now. The mud is just a distant memory now. Until next time great muddy dog park!
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