Bad Dog Cosworth

Hello everyone! My name is Cosworth and I am a spoiled rotten princess. (It doesn't matter that I am a boy) I'm about 2.5 years old and am a Siberian Husky and American Staffordshire Terrier mix. I have lived with my mom and dad (Nicki and Matt) for a little over a year now and am really lucky to have found them. I was found limping around as a stray in Jefferson County. A good Samaritan brought me to Humane Society and I quickly made everyone fall in love with me. I had a broken leg from a gunshot wound and Dr. Clark placed my leg in a cast so it could heal properly. She told my mom and dad about me and said I needed a nice family to be fostered with while my leg healed up. Dad was a little hesitant at first but as soon as he meet me it was love at first sight! (I am pretty good at making me fall in love with me..........) Now we are best buds and inseparable. Once I was healed and came out of my cast I needed some doggie rehabilitation. Lucky for me my mom is one of the rehab techs at 4 Paws Swim and Fitness. My friend Dr. Clark (who happens to be a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist) set up an at home rehab plan for me and mom put me in the underwater treadmill once a week for a month to help me build my muscles back. Now I am back to 100% and am a healthy, crazy and occasionally bad dog. If I don't get my daily walk I lick to tip over the trash and hide the evidence in the couch between the cushions. Sometimes I try to get my brother and sister in trouble, they are cats so I pretend to not like them. My mom did catch me snuggling with my brother. I was SUPER EMBARRASSED!!!!!! I also like to climb on the couch and look out the window at all the squirrels and bunnies. Well it's time to go! There are bunnies to watch and trouble to cause!
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